DiJones is proud to support the Clown Doctors

DiJones is proud to support the Clown Doctors

August 20, 2019 | by DiJones

Clown Doctors work in partnership with medical professionals to divert children during painful procedures, calm and distract in emergency, encourage and assist during occupational therapy and physiotherapy and improve the quality of life of some of the most vulnerable members of our community; sick and injured kids.

Using humour therapy Clown Doctors lighten the hospital environment, helping parents, family members, hospital staff and most importantly – patients!

To find out more about how you can work with DiJones to support the Humour Foundation, please watch this short video:

There are Clown Doctors in 24 hospitals across Australia supporting sick kids and their families over 240,000 times a year.

Land your support today!

For further details or if you would like to donate or volunteer, please contacts at home@dijones.com.au