The property market continues to defy all expectations

The property market continues to defy all expectations

November 30, 2020 | by DiJones

The end of a remarkable Spring, November saw the DiJones network assist 194 families on their property journey, selling $215 million worth of real estate and achieving an auction clearance rate of 78%.

November saw the RBA cash rate drop to a record low, further bolstering consumer confidence. This was reflected in higher numbers of attendees across Sydney and the Southern Highlands. Now sitting at an average of 7 attendees per inspection.

Into December we expect this buyer activity to remain buoyant. Consumers have spent more time at home in 2020 than any other year and the festive season will be an opportunity for reflection on what their property journey looks like in 2021.

Auctions are booked right up to the 22nd of December, with January bookings already underway. If you are considering a move in the new year or would like an up to date valuation of your home, please reach out or utilise our instant, complimentary digital reporting here:

Returning expats continue to drive demand in property management for properties between $2,000-$4,000 per week which are highly sought after. As ever correct pricing is paramount to protecting long term return for any investor. The team leased 119 properties over November, a fantastic result and evidence of their ongoing expertise in this space.