The real story: why your property manager needs to be proactive

The real story: why your property manager needs to be proactive

August 9, 2021 | by DiJones

It’s common for landlords and property managers to just handle tenancy issues as they arise, but a proactive approach has significant benefits for getting the most from your investment. Here’s why you should find a proactive property manager.

A good customer experience is the key to a successful tenancy

A great customer experience doesn’t happen on its own – property managers must take a proactive approach to creating an excellent experience for their clients.

At DiJones our clients are our priority. We respond quickly, we find new ways to offer our services – like using Artificial Intelligence and Alexa – and we always look for improvements to make to the service we offer landlords.

And we extend this proactive approach to focus on pre-empting or solving problems before they happen for our Landlords.

Identifying new ways to add value

Most property managers will cover the basics, managing the ins and outs of your property’s tenancies, but an exceptional property manager will apply their years of accumulated knowledge to maximising your investment for you, while minimising any risk.

There are many ways a property manager can add value by proactively seeking new opportunities. From recommending alterations and renovations, to putting you in touch with other professionals like tradespeople and mortgage brokers or suggesting tax depreciation schedules.

Being proactive is all part of the high-quality service we offer to our clients. Instead of focusing just on the task at hand, we look at the bigger picture to help landlords get the most value from their investment property.

Ensuring the investment is profitable and maintains its value

It’s common for investors to focus on a suburb’s rental yield or projected capital growth, but there are other factors that influence how profitable your investment will be in the long term.

In our experience, neglected repairs and bad tenants can have significant impacts on how much rent the property commands in the market and how much you’ll be able to sell it for in the future. All it takes to prevent this potential loss of value is a proactive approach.

For example, minor maintenance issues may not seem significant enough for a tenant to report to their property manager, but the longer they go unattended, the more likely they are to become worse and cost more when they’re finally repaired. To address this, we proactively keep in constant contact with your tenants to discuss any potential issues, instead of waiting months for the next inspection.

Our regular check-ins help us stay on top of any potential problems, so they can be dealt with before becoming a serious problem.

Proactive communication to build relationships

It’s not just the condition of your property that affects the financial success of your investment – our experience tells us that excellent communication is another deciding factor in how profitable an investment property can be.

Tenants who feel respected and listened to are much more likely to take care of the property and to stay long-term – both important financial aspects for an investment.

Proactively communicating with tenants is essential in building strong relationships, as is approaching them with a professional and people-minded view. We focus on establishing great relationships with our tenants.

Seeking an exceptional proactive property manager to improve your investment?

The success of your investment relies on a proactive mindset from your property manager. By providing premium services and staying on top of the property and tenancy, a property manager can reduce costly vacancy rates, save on expensive repairs, identify new financial wins and keep the investment profitable.

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