6 ideas to make summer at home even better and little bit cheaper

6 ideas to make summer at home even better and little bit cheaper

November 30, 2022 | by DiJones

Like fish and visitors after three days, La Niña is making herself unwelcome by hanging around our eastern coast for the third year running. The summer is set to be wetter than normal, with above-average rainfall and thunderstorm activity predicted to plague us for a few more months yet. 1 Now is as good a time as any to prepare your property for a wet summer and plan some rain-friendly activities around the house for the whole family to enjoy. It’s also the perfect time to future-proof your home as much as possible against further energy price spikes and cost-of-living pressures. We’ve come up with six great ideas to get you started!

Do an energy audit

Spiralling energy prices are causing many of us to dread our quarterly bills more than ever, but there are a few easy steps you can take to help keep your own expenditure to a minimum. Performing a DIY energy audit is a great first step.

Check out Energy Australia’s webpage on how to do it – and remember, some of the pre-Christmas sales might be the perfect time to update your old energy-guzzling appliances at bargain prices!

Consider alternative ways to cool your house

Speaking of thirsty appliances, traditional air-conditioning units can be a huge drain and are not always great for your health either. With a cooler summer forecast, it might be a perfect year to think about updating your systems to suit your budget and your property.

Passive heating and cooling can be very effective and can often mean simple changes, such as installing shutters to block the midday sun or upgrading your insulation to maximise your home’s heat efficiency. Have a look at the Australian government’s web page on passive cooling for some excellent advice and inspiration.

Prepare for the wet

Australians living in the tropics are familiar with the challenges a wet season brings, and their homes are usually built to withstand serious rain and damp conditions. But for us New South Welsh people, the predicted heavy rainfalls and storms might cause unexpected plumbing emergencies, a proliferation of mould, and other water-related damage.

Checking that your household and stormwater drains are in top working condition and that your gutters and roof are also kept clear of leaf litter and debris are important steps towards making sure any water that does fall can run off quickly without damaging your home.

Existing mould and water damage should be dealt with quickly as it can pose a health risk. The NSW government provides expert advice for preventing mould in your home, which should help keep most moisture-loving fungi at bay.

If you live in a flood-prone area, the Natural Hazards Research website provides invaluable information to prepare you for the worst-case scenario.

Create functional outdoor to enjoy through the summer

Whether you live in a house or an apartment, having a practical, usable outdoor area can add enormously to your quality of life, especially in the summer months. Maximise a small patio area, balcony or deck with well-designed pieces of garden furniture, pots filled with herbs or flowering plants, and strings of fairy lights.

Don’t forget that side yards, verandas, and even fences can be used to provide extra space for storage, entertaining, or playing. There are plenty of ideas for outdoor areas online, many of which are surprisingly cheap and super practical!

Grow some vegetables

This is a wonderful project for the summer that will have the whole family enthusing and save plenty of money as the price of veges skyrockets. Having food to grow will also help you view the rainfall in a more positive light as you imagine how plump and juicy your tomatoes and zucchini will get!

There’s no need to dig up the lawn or tear down the roses. Many summer vegetables will grow beautifully in pots or other containers, which means balconies, porches, and patios can also become a source of food.

Here are a couple of websites to get you and the kids started: About the Garden, and Love the Garden.

Embrace your inner Scot

As the year draws to a close, traditional Hogmanay celebrations include a top-to-tail house clean to sweep out the old and welcome in the new. Luckily for us here in Australia, this can be done in summer rather than in the freezing depths of winter, when wide-open doors and windows are more of a health risk than a breath of fresh, balmy air.

Draw up a list of those little niggling jobs you never get done. Delegate kid-friendly ones to the children, perhaps with a promise of well-earned rewards, and make an advent cleaning calendar together. Include garden jobs as well, and your whole property will greet the new year looking, smelling, and feeling its best.

Summing up

The forecast for another wet summer doesn’t necessarily mean endless days inside fighting mould and stepping on yet another piece of Lego over the summer. There are plenty of things to do around the house all through the season to make sure your summer, though wet, is fruitful, family-friendly, and entirely satisfying in lots of different ways. We hope these few ideas will inspire you to make the most of the season and see the new year in with your property at its best.

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