Styling your home for a Winter sale

Styling your home for a Winter sale

June 15, 2023 | by DiJones

Winter can be a challenging time to sell your home, as potential buyers may be deterred by the colder weather and darker days. However, with a few simple staging tricks, you can create a warm and inviting atmosphere that will help your property stand out from the crowd.

In this blog post, we take a look at some of the best ways to stage your home for sale in winter.

Keep your home warm

The first and most important step in staging your home for winter is to keep it warm. Make sure your heating system is in good working order and set the thermostat to a comfortable temperature. If you have a fireplace, light it up to create a cosy and inviting atmosphere. This will not only make potential buyers feel more comfortable during their visit, but it will also showcase the efficiency of your heating system. Placing a plush throw and a few soft cushions on your armchairs, sofa and bed will also create a sense of warmth and comfort.

Optimise lighting

Winter days are shorter, and natural light is often in short supply. That’s why it’s important to optimise your lighting to create a bright and welcoming atmosphere. Open the curtains and blinds and make sure all the light bulbs work. Warm white light is best in winter. Use lamps and accent lighting to highlight key features of your home and create a warm and inviting ambience.

Declutter your space

Clutter can make your home feel smaller, darker and less appealing to potential buyers. Take the time to declutter your space by removing unnecessary items, storing away personal belongings, and organising your space. This will not only make your home feel more spacious, but it will also make it easier for potential buyers to imagine themselves living in the space.

Focus on curb appeal

First impressions are crucial when it comes to selling your home. During winter, make sure your home’s exterior is well-maintained and looks appealing from the street. Check your gutters are clean and working well and consider touching up any deteriorated paintwork. Clear away any dead plants or debris, and make sure your driveway and pathways are free from leaves and mud. Consider adding some potted flowering plants to your front porch or entryway to add a pop of colour and life to your home’s exterior.

Get rid of mould

Mould can be a common problem during winter, especially in areas with high humidity or poor ventilation. Make sure to address any mould issues before putting your home on the market. This not only ensures the health and safety of potential buyers but also helps to prevent any unpleasant odours or stains that could deter them.

Use warm whites

When it comes to staging your home for sale in winter, it’s important to choose the right colour palette. If you decide to repaint, choose warm whites and creams, accessorising with neutral tones, which can help to create a cosy and inviting atmosphere. These colours also reflect natural light better, making your space feel brighter and more spacious.

Provide a few essentials for inspections

Make sure your home is equipped with the necessary items for inspections during the winter months. A coat rack, welcome mat, and umbrella stand will not only make your home feel more welcoming but will also help to protect your floors and furnishings from wet and dirty shoes and umbrellas.

Add some flowers

Winter can be a bleak time of year, but you can bring some life and colour to your home by placing simple bunches of tulips or other pretty flowers out for the inspections. You could also invest in some potted flowering plants to save time and money. Choose hardy varieties that can withstand colder temperatures and provide a splash of colour to your home’s interior.

Show off your (Summer) garden

If you have a garden or outdoor space, make sure to showcase it in its best light. If possible, include photos of your garden in full bloom to give potential buyers an idea of what it looks like during the warmer months. You can also add some outdoor accessories, such as a fire pit or outdoor seating, to help buyers imagine themselves enjoying the space during the summer.

Summing up

Staging your home for sale in winter can be challenging, but with a few simple tricks like the ones we’ve outlined here, you can make sure your home looks its warm-and-inviting best and attract potential buyers even in the colder months.

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